The Orioles acquired right-handed pitcher Adam Plutko from the Cleveland Indians on Saturday in exchange for cash considerations. To make room for Plutko on the 40-man roster, the Orioles designated second baseman Yolmer Sánchez for assignment.
Plutko is 13-12 with a 5.05 ERA in 50 games with Cleveland. He has experience starting and in the bullpen. Thirty-five of his 50 games have been starts. In 2020, he was 2-2 with a 4.88 ERA in 10 games, four starts with the Indians.
Sánchez, who was expected to be the Orioles’ starting second baseman, was in the lineup for Saturday night’s game against Atlanta in North Port, Florida but was scratched and replaced by Ramón Urias.
In 14 games, Sánchez hit .205 this spring. He was claimed on waivers last October from the Chicago White Sox.
The Orioles’ 40-man roster remains full.
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Really surprised by the Yolmer move. I guess they want to give Urias a long look as a starter before it’s Jahmai time.
I can’t even imagine what they see in Plutko. He’s out of options, and would be the first person I’d cut for any other call up. Weird moves.
I think you answered your own question about Plutko. Worst case he is a place holder until another pitcher (Akin?) is ready to come up from the minors. Best case is he’s an adequate swingman.
For a team pinching pennies anywhere they can they give “cash considerations for this guy? Just when I was beginning to feel good about the staff. But hey, who knows, maybe he’ll surprise me.
Cash considerations is kind of weird , but it’s probably not a lot of money. Plus if someone claims Sanchez, they save a million. If they decide to release him, they pay him 45 days severance pay. So financially, the Orioles make out okay
So there kind of roster/salary manipulation going on...shocker...go O’s...
Hmmm, maybe they are going to send Kremer to Norfolk?
Sanchez spring OPS 0.484, Urias 0.533, neither very good, puzzling move IMO.
Means has second straight below par start, yikes...go O’s...
I hope we're not starting another season with a tired arm.
No disrespect to Means, but he’s not a #1 starter for any other team in MLB. Yeh, he was a good, heartwarming story but he’s at best a #3 starter. He’ll give you some great starts but not consistently. Even tho the O’s haven’t developed a truly great starter since Mussina OVER 30 years ago I’m actually hopeful/naive enough to think that in 3 years they’ll have a staff with Rodriguez, Hall, Lowther and Baumann and maybe, if he’s still around, Means can be the 5th starter. I know, I know, the likelihood of that is minuscule but being an O’s fan, hope is what I have right now. It’s times like this I like looking at my old worn out baseball cards of Palmer, Cuellar, McNally and Dobson.
Feel & do the same thing DL...go O’s...
I don't know what the heck they were thinking with Sanchez in the 1st place. As predicted he didn't head north with the team.
Now let's get either Jones in there to make some sense of the Cobb trade, OR Rylan Bannon maybe?
Jones and Bannon are bound for Norfolk. The Ramon Urias era is upon us!
They can call them back anytime they want. We saw was Urias had to offer last year.
Yup his 0.967 OPS in 2020 was pretty awesome
This is where your numbers fool you my friend. Small sample size not withstanding, this guy is more of a track star than a ball player.
Jones and Bannon have to spend the first 10 days of the regular season in the minors. Unless they replace an injured player. They’ll be back soon
Got to agree with you Boog. Did not know why they signed Sanchez in the first place and Plutko will be no help. Just when I was beginning to think there were possibilities. Can't wait for the trade deadline.
Gold glove in 2019 maybe got their attention
I’m sure that was it...go O’s...
Plutko ... there's a John Belushi joke here somewhere ....
“Guess what I am?” A pitcher...go O’s...
There it is!!! LOL
Ok they've now done it. I'm officially worried about the defense. One time I envisioned a DP combo of Iglesias and Sanchez then they hightailed Iglesias. I figured well ok at least they've still got a Gold Glover at 2B. Now this. What the hell are they doing? Every IFer is below average defensively(maybe Mancini will get a pass and be considered fair). Not happy.
Is there a bad baseball movie in the future of the O’s...kind of seems like it...go O’s...
CP, This is a good idea for a movie. I'd call it "The Bad News Birds." I'd cast Billy Bob Thornton as Elias, Vin Diesel as Hyde, and Betty White as Papa Angelos. Maybe give our scribe, Rich, a cameo role as the Baseball Commissioner.
Sounds good WV, I’d pay to go watch it, I watch their games now O’s...
Today's transactions do nothing to help me constrain my cynicism. As recently as last Thursday, Hyde was quoted as saying about Sanchez that he was “very, very pleased" with how the Gold Glove winner has played so far. “He’s a pro at second base,” Hyde said. “Making the routine play, turns a great double play. He’s energetic on the infield, a great communicator on the field and has done a really good job of fitting in here.” So much for turning the middle infield into a defensive machine.
Rich, you really should put a disclaimer when quoting Hyde's endless effusive praise about how sensational every player under O's contract is in his view.
As to acquiring Mr. Plutko, my cynicism soars. First, it was not really a trade. It was a purchase, the amount of which is likely conditional on his performance. (Maybe $250 for each win this season?). His ERA last year is nothing to get excited about, but certainly in keeping with recent O's' pitching acquisitions. More importantly, the Indians valued him so highly that they didn't even demand a low level minor leaguer in exchange. I still believe that the O's pitching staff has all the makings to be very, very bad this year--even with the fabulous news that LeBlanc is back in the fold.
Rutschman went 1 for 5 today with a double...however the double does not count!!! It was against a pitcher whose previously appeared at the highest level of AA! You all made the “rules” and you gotta stick by ‘em.
Yeah you know who you are rule makers
Start him today, tomorrow & in all the future games...go O’s...
As impatient as I am to see winning baseball in Baltimore again, along with the fact that I’m getting older quickly, I want Rutschman in the minors now for two reasons. First off to play every day, but secondly, tho maybe more importantly, to get to work with Rodriguez, Hall and eventually Lowther and Baumann so once they’re all in Baltimore there’s no unfamiliarity at all. I see this as a huge upside to him being in the minors for this season. This season hasn’t even begun and I’m already looking SO forward to next year.
Who are you kidding about next year? They're going to stink then just as well as this with Elias pulling hard on the reigns. This is exactly why you bring Rutchsman up not instead of next year. Let these young guys cut their teeth as soon as possible. Playing against 2nd rate competition in the minors doesn't cut it.
Totally agree, bring the young pitchers as well, Hyde already said what chemistry Rutschman has with the guys, his defense & how he calls the game...if ya gottem, playem...go O’s...
BRR & CP I get what you’re saying but we all know that’s not happening so for now I’d much rather Rutschman be catching the future staff every day rather than them pitching to a different catcher and him catching guys who’ll be gone in the next 2 years probably. But yeh, I’d have no problem dealing with growing pains for all involved in Baltimore but as I said, we all know that’s not gonna happen.
Gotta agree about Hyde's constant, and overly effusive, praise of nearly every Orioles player, in nearly every situation ... I understand that part of a manager's role is to be supportive and encouraging for his players, but Hyde really lays it on thick.
He definitely has a future in politics after they finalize the re-build by replacing O’s...
The rebuild plan gets murkier every day. This team didn't need a former Gold Glove infielder. The balls are going to be flying over all their heads. Apparently, Plutko's will have great spin.