Rich Dubroff

The complicated Orioles’ legacy of Chris Davis


When the Orioles arrive in Sarasota, Florida for spring training, Chris Davis will be missing for the first time in a decade. Davis, who retired quietly last August 12th, was supposed to be preparing for the final year of his seven-year, $161 million contract, but a hip injury wouldn’t let him play any longer.

Each offseason since 2017, when Davis vowed that his performance would improve after a disappointing season, there were storylines. He’d come to spring training leaner—or he’d come with more muscle. He’d change his batting stance, anything to help a stunning decline .

Now, there’s no offseason Davis drama, and the big first baseman isn’t around to represent his teammates with the Players’ Association. He isn’t making generous public contributions like the one he made to the University of Maryland Children’s Hospital after the 2019 season, either.

Last spring training, Davis wasn’t even in an Orioles uniform after the first Grapefruit League game when he took two at-bats and then was hurt.

He didn’t play much in 2020. In that 60-game, pandemic-shortened season, Davis was sidelined because of a knee injury and made just 55 plate appearances. He hit only .115.

His last game before Oriole fans came on September 22nd, 2019. In his final at-bat, he homered, providing the winning margin in a 2-1 win over the Seattle Mariners.

It was a rare happy moment in another sad season in which he hit .179 with 12 home runs. In 2018, he hit .168 with 16 homers.

Those final sad seasons shouldn’t obscure how entertaining, and productive, Davis was in his first years with the Orioles.

In 2012, he pitched two scoreless innings at Fenway Park, the 16th and 17th, in a dramatic May game that helped show the baseball world that the Orioles could be a contending team. Davis hit 33 home runs and batted .270 that season.

In 2013, the legend of “Crush” was born when Davis led the majors with 53 home runs and had 138 RBIs.

The following year, Davis’ first child, Ella, was born. The Orioles won the American League East title, but Davis couldn’t play in the postseason because he was suspended for 25 games for use of a stimulant without a therapeutic exemption.

He hit only .196 that season, but in 2015 he was was dominant in the final two months of the season. He hit 22 home runs in August and September. In the final month, he hit 12 homers, drove in 25 runs and hit .318 with a 1.211 OPS.

He was a free agent after that season, and most assumed he was going to leave. But he didn’t want to and his agent, Scott Boras, negotiated that gigantic contract with the team.

Davis’ 2016 and 2017 seasons were disappointing when compared with his earlier years, but in retrospect a 38 home run, 84 RBI year followed by 26 homers and 61 RBIs doesn’t seem so bad. His average dropped from .262 with a .923 OPS in 2015 to .221 with a .792 OPS and .215 with a .732 OPS in 2016 and 2017.

The 2018, 2019 and 2020 seasons were disastrous, and Davis ended his Orioles career with 253 home runs, sixth most in franchise history. His 1,550 strikeouts are also the most in team history.

So how will Davis be remembered? Are the first joyous years with the long home runs more memorable than the 54 at-bat hitless streak that spanned the end of 2018 and the beginning of 2019? Is that enormous contract going to make fans forget that early Sunday evening in Fenway when he pitched for the first time since junior college?

Davis’ early seasons shouldn’t be completely obscured by the awful seasons that ended his career.

Even when Davis was flailing away, the majority of fans at the ballpark encouraged him. There were boos, but in 2020, the year he hardly played, there weren’t any fans at all.

Who knows what Davis will do now that his baseball career is over. He’s been a devoted father to his three girls and has all the time he wants to spend with them and his wife, Jill.

Undoubtedly, he’ll continue to be active in a number of charities. Besides the University of Maryland Children’s Hospital, there were many he donated to and was involved with.

Someday, he’ll return to Baltimore to celebrate those enjoyable teams of the last decade and perhaps take his place in the team’s Hall of Fame. The guess here is that the fan’s reaction to Davis will be positive—overwhelming so.

Rich Dubroff

Rich Dubroff grew up in Brooklyn as a fan of New York teams, but after he moved to Baltimore, quickly adopted the Orioles and Colts. After nearly two decades as a freelancer assisting on Orioles coverage for several outlets, principally The Capital in Annapolis and The Carroll County Times, Dubroff began covering the team fulltime in 2011. He spent five years at Comcast SportsNet’s website and for the last two seasons, wrote for, Dubroff lives in Baltimore with his wife of more than 30 years, Susan.

View Comments

  • I can't think of another player who was at such a high level and then crashed down so low. But Chris was a key part of some great teams. When he was hitting well, he was a joy to watch. And he was probably a bit more athletic than you might think. Remember him taking over right field for a time?

    I'd definitely cheer for him. He isn't a perfect human being, but none of us are. And he never seemed to shy away from talking about his struggles.

  • I would definitely stand and applaud at his Orioles HoF ceremony. He was a classy guy that always seemed to enjoy the fans and was great in the community. His 2013 season was one of the greatest offensive seasons in team history. The last few years of his career were hard to watch, but it wasn’t his fault Angelos gave him all of that money. Would be cool if the O’s put Davis, Jones, Markakis, Wieters, Johnson and Britton in the O’s HoF together. They created some great memories for us O’s fans!

  • Well he did it too himself. Could’ve been an orioles hall of famer. IMO he didn’t try to do better. Palmer exposed him for lying about working out with coolbaugh in the offseason. He didn’t do anything to help himself. He always talked about do this or that and then wouldn’t stick with it. He’s part of the reason we’re in this rebuild. What are you supposed to do with that albatross of a contract? Every one could’ve seen this coming due to his good year bad year history. The orioles didn’t need to sign him to a deal that big. They were bidding against themselves for him.

    • Can't blame him for that deal. Who in this world would have turned it down? That one in on management, be it Duquette (which I doubt) or Ownership.

      • Yes, the Orioles certainly aren’t the first team to give a ridiculously expensive long term deal to somebody who didn’t deserve it. And yes, this is the worst deal the Orioles ever executed. Taken in by the carnival huckster of agents, Scott boras.

        That said, happy trails Chris Davis. Forget about baseball and enjoy life.

    • Mike Bordick and Rick Dempsey both called out Davis in their time. Both were shown the door before Davis. It will be really hard for me to look past how Davis sandbagged his last few years, swore he was changing his swing when he was making no effort whatsoever. Swore he was working with coaches until he had to admit that he had no intention of doing so. That's how you get a prima-donna, losing culture on a ball club. I really think Davis could have made something of his last couple seasons, its a shame he stopped caring.

  • I have stated, and I will forever continue to believe, that Crush's downfall started with that stupid, stupid, STUPID bobblehead of he and his dog Samson posing in 'superhero' leotards and capes. Mark the date of that giveaway, and chart his numbers before an after ...

    I liked Chris. Hell, named my chihuahua "Crush" after watching him launch one deep into the night on a chilly 2016 September evening vs. the Sox. But I contend, that he simply couldn't handle the pressure and expectations of that stupid,stupid, STUPID bobblehead, of which I have 2 copies sitting on my bookshelf. Mentally ... psychologically ... anyway, the guy came up wanting.

    Like I said, I liked the guy, he was standup ... but Crush Davis Oriole HOF? C'mon guys .... let's not be hypocrites. Nice guy and all, but what a big dope.

    • Oh man, named your chihuahua Crush??? Again, I have lost all respect for you BRR. Who gets a chihuahua?

      • My wife and son picked him up. He's actually a "Jack-Chi"...Jack Russell and Chihuahua mix. They call him a designer dog. Which basically means you have to spend a nice bit of $$$ for a mutt.

        Standing rule in my family is that I get to name them after Orioles.

        Frankly this Chihuahua was a nice surprise. Probably the best personality in a dog I've ever had. And I've had more than a few.

  • Indeed a sad,complicated spiral of a legacy. How,why,what happened? We all have our theories--some not so good. Good luck to him though. One helluva nice,giving man who should be remembered for some amazing years "also". Wow 53 Hrs,138 RBI--never realized how overpowering he once was. We talk Jones,Machado but Davis was THE man.

  • Chris Davis has one of the more complicated history with the Orioles I’ve ever seen . You have the aderal and other whispers. You have a GM that really didn’t want to sign him who I believe knew he was competing against himself but was overruled by the manager and another party doing and end around to the owner. I agree with Boog that he couldn’t handle the media spotlight and the game pressure.

    Then you have the public relations nightmare of being called out on a broadcast by one of the nicest guys and a consummate professional in Jim Palmer and all the following spring training statements that followed of how he worked on this or that which never worked out and added to the perception that reinforced the Palmer incident.

    There is no way he is an Oriole HOF just let this sad patch of Oriole history drift away.

    • Brooks Robinson is one of the nicest guys and a consummate professional. #22 not so much. Jim Palmer is one of my most favorite O’s players, however, I think of him as more arrogant than nice.

  • CD will not receive acclaim in Baltimore again. His legacy includes a suspension that could have been avoided. His lapse that year cost the organization far more than it appeared. The contract made things far worse, no obligation to perform at a minimal MLB level.

  • The Davis signing was the crowning representation of all things related to the Dysfunction between Ownership and Management. Angelos signs Davis at about the very same time that Duquette signs Trumbo...

    Orioles fans have long-deserved better Ownership and Management.

    • May I suggest that the ill-fated signing represents the growing dysfunction in baseball and other profit-making sports. Let us remember that the contract was acceptable not only to the player, the team, and the agent but also to the league and the union. As mentioned by others, this is not the only deal of this ilk. But it happened in Baltimore, so maybe it's the Oriole in the coal mine. I wonder if any of the negotiators for the new Bargaining Agreement are paying attention.

    • BC - The signing of Mark Trumbo I believe was actually a two fold signing. He was a security blanket signing in case CD would sign somewhere else according to the Scott Boras reports at the time. And two IF CD really wanted to stay, Trumbo signing kept his salary at 161 and no higher. The Orioles taking a stand with Boras/CD to go no higher and they were just fine in letting Trumbo play first and moving on!!!
      And all this talk of Angelos voluntarily just giving away $161 to Davis is making me sick!!! And as far as Orioles HOF. No way, I believe HE cost the Orioles from playing in the World Series by not just letting MLB know he was still using Adderall. Especially after losing both Wieters and Machado to injuries. He could have really helped them but instead he was the black eye on that season ending the way it did. He already told MLB he was using Adderall prior with the subscription he had, he stupidly just didn't report/tell them he had it renewed.
      As far as Orioles HOF for Markakis?? I used to like Markakis until he left for just 1 more year of a contract to Atlanta for just 1 mm more per year than the Orioles offer. And after the Orioles overpaid him for a six-year, $66.1 million contract extension that made Nick Markakis the second-highest-paid Oriole ever in terms of total guaranteed money, and third-highest in terms of average annual salary ever at that time. The last year of that deal topped out for 17 mm and it clearly showed he NEVER lived up to those numbers he hit prior to signing. Did he care and take the Orioles contract offer - NO!!! And then rumor has it he also tried to hide his neck injury/ and then needing surgery during negotiations with the Orioles.

    • That was probably the problem, he had a subscription for Adderall instead of a prescription…Tee hee…go O’s…

    • Subscription vs Prescription - What's the difference?: The difference between subscription and prescription is that subscription is access to a resource for a period of time while prescription is (legal) the act of prescribing a rule, law, etc.
      I thought the prescription of the drug Adderall was for a limited time since he needed to renew it which would then make it a subscription. My bad. I don't take drugs so....

      • To be clearer: Isn't that what MLB would need from Chris - a subscription form filled out showing he renewed??? He wouldn't have the prescription, isn't that what he gives to the pharmacist??

          • "But you girlfriend does." - YOU girlfriend does?????? Still a moron.
            YOUR WIFE DOES - MORON!!!! And everyone in Texas knows this!!! You have to go out and get dogs because that's the only living thing that will stay with you!!! And you're still a moron!!!!

      • Straight out of the WikiDiff dictionary!!! So go and argue with them. Then go look in the mirror - hypocrite!!! Tee Hee

      • And I said "MY BAD" I don’t take drugs so….
        The term I was looking for is a TUE which stands for Therapeutic Use Exemptions and not a subscription. An athlete who obtains a TUE is allowed to use a drug that is otherwise prohibited, provided the athlete can prove that a significant health problem is being addressed by taking it, and that the banned substance won't act as a performance enhancer.

        • And to get one a player needs to fill out an application with the league. THIS IS ACTUALLY WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR!!! Failure to renew with the league and show a receipt of the application completion will cause the player to lose his right to continue their use and if caught still using will be suspended. Of course the player can re-apply there after. So it's not a subscription or a prescription, it's league application completion for a Therapeutic Use Exemptions. The player needs to have a prescription from a doctor to even have the drug, that's a given BUT that's what the league requires from the player!!! SO you're wrong also!

      • Again, straight out of the WikiDiff dictionary!!! So go and argue with them. Then go look in the mirror – hypocrite and a lie telling machine!!! Crying to Rich how some people on this site calling other names!!! Look in the mirror - Hypocrite - Look in the mirror!!! Tee Hee

      • OK- Lie some more sixth grader!
        And again you are wrong!!! And to get a Therapeutic Use Exemptions a player needs to fill out an application with the league. THIS IS ACTUALLY WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR!!! Failure to renew with the league and show a receipt of the application completion will cause the player to lose his right to continue their use and if caught still using will be suspended. Of course the player can re-apply there after. So it’s not a subscription wrong term by me or a prescription per you, it’s league application completion for a Therapeutic Use Exemptions.

    • WikiDiff, ironic & hysterical, he bashes the “6th” graders, but they use that all the time…go O’s…

      • I helped design something very similar to WikiDiff!!! Something way beyond your intelligence!!!
        You don't even know when you're lying!!! Pretty sad. So, keep lying to yourself - hypocrite!!!

    • #1, just so you’re aware, in today’s society you cannot question anyone’s sexuality, I’m quite sure Rich will talk to you about that…tee hee…go O’s…

  • I’m all for electing Markakis and Jones to the O’s HOF, but Davis should only be enshrined whenever Rougned Odor gets elected.

  • Yes, Davis was a "nice" guy. His contribution to the University of Maryland Hospital was a generous and commendable act (though a very small portion of the enormous fortune he made with the Orioles), and Davis bears no blame for accepting the excessive contract that Peter Angelos decided to offer him.

    That said, Davis' legacy as a player isn't is not very impressive. He was a strikeout machine. He had two great seasons, a couple of pretty good seasons, and the rest ranged from bad to horrendous ... certainly not stats that merit induction into any HOF. Add to that his stubborn unwillingness make adjustments as his production collapsed, and his overall career must be considered a big disappointment

  • So, let’s talk about the Orioles Hall of Fame why don’t we. CD is 6th all time in HRs hit for the O’s. He was an integral part of the last run of successful O’s teams. If Robbie Alomar, who played all of 3 seasons in Baltimore is in the O’s Hall of Fame then CD damn sure belongs in it. But no discussion of the O’s Hall of Fame is complete without my big pet peeve, the omission of Andy Etchebarren. He was a 2 time All Star, a 2 time WS winner and played 11 seasons in Baltimore. There are others in the O’s Hall far less deserving than him.

  • I agree about Andy Etchebarren he was he should be in Orioles Hall of Fame. Chris Davis also should get in

    • I agree with you Vegas, but we gotta keep the board hoppin’, especially since it’s winter. It’s a divisive topic and we tend to be opinionated in these parts, so it’s guaranteed to get some responses.
      Hopefully now we have indeed moved on. Hope CD has too.

  • Yes, let's move on, right after I ask three questions about CD and hopefully get them answered.
    Did ownership/management ever seek an upfront, discounted, total buyout of his contract? I think a mutually beneficial early termination could have been agreed to if both sides negotiated in good faith.
    Second, how is he spending and investing his tens of millions of dollars? It must be time consuming and tiring.
    Third, did CD really refuse getting batting and psychological advice from coaches and specialists? If so, why? Pride? Indifference? Vengeance?
    If there is evidence that he was uncooperative with the issues in questions 1 and 3, he definitely does Not belong in any HoF.

    • WV, I’m not gonna pretend I know the answers to any of those questions but I think just the fact that he showed up anywhere from about 20 lbs lighter to about 20 lbs more beefed up from his “usual” weight tells me he was trying different things physically at least. The only thing that puzzled me was that I don’t ever remember him trying a different approach at the plate, meaning opening or closing his stance, not standing so straight up like he always did, anything. He was sorta like the anti-Cal. Cal seemed to change his stance every few months throughout any given season, whether he was having an MVP season or a down season for him.

    • Steve, Scott Boras would never have accepted "an upfront, discounted, total buyout" of Chris Davis' contract. Not in a million years.

      • Rich, Boras might be more flexible if he understood the concept of present value of money. It states that a given amount of money today is worth more in real terms than that same amount will be worth in the future.

  • I hoping he does not make it to the O's HOF. Too many negatives that outweigh the positives. The Adderall thing in 2014 was just purely being careless. No telling what we might have done in the playoffs with his bat. Then being called out by Palmer and Bordick. Maybe in his mind he thought he was trying to improve. But what he said vs. what he did in the off-season was two different things.

    And a question for Rich, when you say Boras would never had let him agree to a buyout, what leverage did Boras have over Chris? What would have Boras done if CD went to the O's and said I want a buyout?

    • Boras is the most influential agent in baseball. Chris was the Orioles’ player rep. The players would have been angry with him and while Boras couldn’t stop him, he would have recommended against it strongly.

      • If CD had taken a prorated buyout, say two years ago, and invested wisely in the stock market, he would already have considerably more money--millions more-- than he will amass thru his prolonged payout. See 'present value of money,' above. One could argue that I would make a better agent than Borat.

    • Man, what a convoluted mess that (was) would have been. Politics, liability and self aggrandizement seem to drive everything.
      65 responses later, this thread topic about CD just keeps rolling.

      • Ict, Strictly speaking, there were just over 40 responses about CD. E.g., beginning with a post recorded on Dec. 18, at 9:44 am, there were some 23 consecutive comments that had nothing to do with a substantive discussion of CD's legacy. I am too much of a gentleman to say what I thought of these "no your are-isms."

    • That’s true, WV. Good point that I hadn’t considered. Even so, CD is still a hot topic.
      I bet Rich could throw out a post about Chris’s brother Glenn, who played from 1991-1993 and get lots of posts as we recall with nostalgia another ill fated, if not dissimilar contract.

      (Yes I realize Chris and Glenn are not related)

  • Davis has shown interest in the Baltimore community. Other than that, he has little to recommend him for our HoF... His therapeutic use exemption obviously underpinned his big years. He collapsed without adderol. I’m not in his corner and hope he does not get Hall of Fame recognition. Has there been a poll of Orioles fans on the question?

Published by
Rich Dubroff

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