
How does Orioles’ Henderson rank among defensive shortstops? / MAILBAG

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Most weekdays, I’ll be answering at least one Orioles question. If you’d like to submit a question, send it to: [email protected]. Questions may be edited for clarity, length and style.

Question: It seems to me Gunnar Henderson has been making a lot of errors lately. I tried to find where he stood as far as fielding goes, but I found the stats a bit confusing. How does he fare in fielding when compared with his peers? From: Tim Fowler

Answer: Tim, FanGraphs ranks Gunnar Henderson 10th among 113 shortstops defensively. Errors are a small component of measuring fielding.

Overall, including both offense and defense, FanGraphs rates Henderson second  among all shortstops, behind only Kansas City’s Bobby Witt Jr.

Question: When a new player joins the Orioles on the road, how does the team have a uniform ready that fits with the appropriate number and with the player’s name on the back? From: Michael Janofsky

Answer: Michael, the Orioles carry a large number of extra uniforms in many sizes on the road in case new players arrive. They keep many uniforms of players already in the organization in case they’re called up.

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