One day after the World Series, an attractive class of free agents was revealed that was heavy on former Orioles. Adam Jones...
Entering the World Series, it wouldn’t have seemed unlikely that a former Oriole would be named the Most Valuable Player while another...
For the years they were in Baltimore, Buck and Angela Showalter’s chosen charity was KidsPeace, an organization that encourages foster care. Each...
Taking advantage of an off-day during the World Series, the Minnesota Twins appointed the major leagues’ first millennial manager. Rocco Baldelli, who...
The Orioles’ new manager will have lots of question marks and players to evaluate. One area that might be a pleasant surprise...
Oriole fans are looking for a win this offseason. There was hope they might be in running for Cuban brothers Victor Victor...
Manny Machado was the talk at the Diner last week, and I think he’s going to continue to be a hot topic....
In the end, it’s not surprising that heavily hyped Cuban outfielder Victor Victor Mesa and his brother, Victor Mesa Jr., will join...
It was just over two years ago that the Orioles were in the postseason, proving that it’s a lot quicker to deconstruct...
Manny Machado has been the focal point of the National League Championship Series between his Los Angeles Dodgers and the Milwaukee Brewers....