Dan Connolly

Know Your O’s: Adam Jones — with perspective provided by Wayne Kirby and Jett Ruiz


For the most part since the “Know Your O’s” video segment started, we’ve concentrated on players that were new to the Orioles or maybe a little under-the-radar.

That changes this time, when Adam Jones, the Orioles All Star centerfielder and team leader, is the guest. But we couldn’t just have Jones. With his sometimes-larger-than-life personality, we needed reinforcements.

So, earlier this month, Jones was joined by two of his closest friends in the Orioles organization for the segment: first base/outfield coach Wayne Kirby and bullpen catcher Jett Ruiz, who has known Jones since they grew up together in San Diego.

I’ll warn you: This one’s a little different. It’s like a roundtable with these three guys and I’m barely a moderator. There’s a whole lot of laughing. There’s a PG-rating for mild, adult language. And there’s plenty of insight into these guys and what it’s like to be a major leaguer.

Ruiz talks about the first time the two met in San Diego. Kirby breaks down Jones’ game as a baserunner and defender and Ruiz and Jones both give props to Kirby’s impressive cooking/grilling abilities.

There are plenty of barbs thrown around, but there are some poignant moments, as Ruiz and Kirby talk about Jones’ life as a father of two young boys.

Like I said, this one is a little different from the previous format. But I think it is my favorite so far. Check it out. If you are a Jones’ fan or an Orioles’ fan, it’s worth your time.



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