Connolly's Tap Room

Tap-In Question: How would you rank your hatred for the other four AL East teams?


Welcome back to the Tap Room.

It’s a special Memorial Day version here. We’re remembering those who died for our freedom.

We’re not yet memorializing the 2017 Orioles season and what could have been.

Lots of time left, people. It’s a long, long season.

Anyway, the Orioles have another huge test this week at Camden Yards, seven straight games against the New York Yankees and Boston Red Sox.

I had a friend tell me that the Orioles’ recent struggles have been especially depressing because it means they have fallen behind the Yankees and the Red Sox in the standings.

And the guy absolutely hates the Red Sox and Yankees.

I asked him, “What about the Toronto Blue Jays?”

“Yeah, I hate them, too.”

I’ve asked this question several times over the years, and I’m never disappointed.

I’m always curious as to which teams Orioles fans hate the most.

I’d assume the Red Sox win this contest based on the Orioles’ dust-ups with them recently. But, last October, I think the answer, almost unanimously, would have been the Blue Jays.

A decade ago, Yankees, hands down. But the Bronx Bombers haven’t won a playoff game since beating the Orioles in the 2012 American League Division Series.

Hating them, I’d imagine, has been a little less fun recently. But they are good again – and probably will be for years to come.

So, getting your hate back with them?

The poor Tampa Bay Rays are fourth of four in the AL East when it comes to teams Orioles fans hate (they might even be fifth of five, because plenty of Orioles fans hate the Orioles at times).

A big divisional week at the Yards is happening. In honor of it, I want you to rank your divisional hatred from most to least.

Here’s my guess for a collective answer: 1. Red Sox. 2. Blue Jays. 3. Yankees. 4. Rays.

Let me know if I’m right.

Tap-In Question: How would you rank your hatred of the teams in the AL East?



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