Rich Dubroff

Diner Question: What would you ask an Orioles legend?

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The Orioles are holding their annual FanFest next Saturday, Jan. 26 at the Baltimore Convention Center. One of the most popular parts of the daylong event is the autograph stations that are set up, and this year, three Hall of Famers, Eddie Murray, Jim Palmer and Brooks Robinson join the active players in signing for fans.

It’s a rare opportunity to meet an Orioles legend, and exchange greetings with them.

Many fans just want to say hello and thank them for the thrills they’ve provided over the years, and others want to ask questions or make an observation.

Cal Ripken Jr. has said fans often come up to him and try to make comparisons between his consecutive games played streak and their perfect attendance records at their jobs.

Brooks Robinson has always been particularly gracious when he’s out in public and eagerly engages with fans.

Many fans think they know Palmer because of his comments on Orioles telecasts. They may feel they know Murray less so.

Please don’t be starstruck around here. If you ran into an Orioles legend at Dubroff’s Diner, and they invited you to eat some Smith Island Cake with them, what would you ask them?

This Week’s Diner Question: If you could ask a question to an Orioles Hall of Famer, what would it be?



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